University of New Haven
Model United Nations
Get to Know UNH MUN!
Thank you for supporting the University of New Haven's Model United Nations program! Model U.N. provides a unique and fun learning experience for students who participate in this program. Students are able to travel to Model U.N. summits all over the world and participate in policy development and problem solving in a global setting.
The University of New Haven's program has caught the attention of students from a diverse array of disciplines and backgrounds. Since UNH Model U.N. was founded in the Fall of 2014, we have won Distinguished Delegation, Outstanding Delegation, Outstanding Position Paper and Distinguished Delegate awards across conferences in Washington D.C., New York City, and Japan. For this upcoming semester we will be competing with schools from all around the world at the National Model United Nations conference in New York!
In the Fall of 2017 we are very excited to announce that we will be competing in the National Model United Nations conference in Washington D.C. and in Canada. However, the costs of these conferences can be very expensive, especially for college students. That is why we are asking for your generosity to help send our students to New York, Washington D.C. and Canada. Each donation help defrays the cost for students, making it more affordable to participate in a conference that trains students in networking, leadership, and writing skills.
All of us from the University of New Haven Model United Nations team thank you tremendously for your help sending us to conferences around the world.
Thank you!